Sunday, December 29, 2019

Voltaire s Candide The Enlightenment And The...

Inspired by the bold ideas that coincided with the French enlightenment, writer Franà §ois-Marie Arouet, more popularly known as Voltaire, wrote Candide, published in January of 1789 in Paris, France by Sirà ¨ne. Voltaire became known as the â€Å"fountainhead of the Enlightenment and the intellectual spearhead of the French Revolution†Ã‚ ² with his bold ideas that challenged society’s way of thinking. This satire was written during the Enlightenment period and demonstrated Voltaire’s criticisms toward the church, society and a multitude of other subjects. This book was chosen for the class because it exhibits the point of view of a famous philosopher during the Enlightenment period whose ideas were beneficial and relevant to the time period being studied. Candide contains many criticisms throughout the book and introduces the philosophical details of the Enlightenment period. This book ties in with what we are learning in class and served as a source of o utside information and context for this specific era of history. Candide displays how a productive, fruitful era can also corrupt a nation and produce peril and hardship throughout the people, Candide served as a way for Voltaire to voice his philosophies and opinions to the public. Candide cannot be in love with Cunà ©gonde because of his lower class. Not only did Voltaire wish to inform readers, he also wanted to persuade them into following his teachings and beliefs. This book was intended for an audience willing to listen

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Underestimating Our Influence Over Others Unethical...

The question that editorial boards always ask is: are popular articles doing justice to the scientific article they are representing or do they poorly represent scientific research? The scientific article, â€Å"Underestimating Our Influence Over Others Unethical Behavior and Decisions† written by Vanessa K. Bohns, Mahdi Roghanizad, and Amy Xu was posted on the Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin. The popular article, â€Å"Its easier than you think to get people to commit bad deeds† by blogger Christian Jarrett, was recently blogged in response to the scientific article. He effectively showcases Bohns research and findings to a different audience than those attracted to the scientific articles. Examining the blog, it is demonstrated that†¦show more content†¦In all, 91 per cent of the participants overestimated how many people theyd need to approach† (Jarrett 1). The numbers provided here are much easier to understand because of the diction that J arrett used. He successfully conveys the same findings from Bohns’ article in terms for the general public to be able to understand. Jarrett decided to use words and the important numbers, which are easier for non-scientists to understand. Jarrett knows his audience and molds his blog to their needs and understandability. Aside with keeping your audience in mind, other important factors include word count. In the blog world, there is an unspoken rule of keeping the word count low when compared to newspaper articles that have extensive words. Many believe because of the low word count, blogs cannot successfully showcase their ideas. However, websites, such as CopyPress, is created for the misfits of the blog world to band together and defy these norms; by showcasing their ideas properly and challenging the word limit. Those that are hired to write for this online company are certified writers, meaning they must be experience with a degree in English. Even though CopyPress stated that a blog post should be no longer than 500 words, they challenge bloggers to reach the 2,000 words maximum or at least to write more than the word limit. Jarrett’s blog is a little over 800 words, challenging the word limited just as CopyPress

Friday, December 13, 2019

American International Group, or AIG Free Essays

Ann-Katrin Kohnle Organizational Behavior AIG American International Group, or AIG, started out as a company that represented American insurance companies in Shanghai. The company moved on to become a reinsurance company in the United States that would hekp insurance companies disperse their liabilites and therefore aid those companies to grow faster. In 1968, Maurice Greenberg took over as CEO and AIG grew and expanded into countries around the world. We will write a custom essay sample on American International Group, or AIG or any similar topic only for you Order Now Today, AIG does not only provide reinsurance services anymore but also financial services. Maurice Greenberg was born in 1925, is a war veteran and graduated from New York law school. He had a very autocratic approach to leading AIG. His goal was to expand AIG and many political key figures asked him for advice. Because he gave advice to influential people and lobbied effectively, he was often given the benefit of the odubt when questionable practices within AIG became known. In the early 2000s there were several investigations into AIG aimed at clarifying questionable insurance practices and schemes used ot boost AIG’s revenue. As a result, Greenberg was asked to step down as the CEO in 2005 and he is currently the CEO of C. V. Starr Co Inc. Greenberg was succeeded by Martin Sullivan, Robert Willumstad, and Edward Liddy, who is the current CEO of AIG. Leading up to the bailout of AIG in 2008, the company was involved in riskier and riskier transactions. AIG used credit default swaps that allowed other companies to transfer their risk to AIG in case their securities defaulted. However, AIG did not have enough money to actually pay all these companies once the recession hit. As a result, the federal government agreed to bail out AIG to save it from sure bankruptcy. Not all of AIG was to blame for its downfall, however. One department of the company, AIG Financial Products, dealt with hedge funds and very risky transactions that earned AIG billions of dollars but that also brought down the whole company in the end. Even though it seems as though employees of AIG knew about the potential threat the Financial Products section posed to the entire company, nothing was ever done to impose stricter regulations on the department. On the contrary, big money and benefit incentives were given to the employees who brought in the most money. However, the transactions that brought in the most money most often also were the transactions that were the riskiest resulting in a very high risk portfolio. After the bubble exploded because AIG could not pay the institutions they had promised money to, the government bailed them out mainly because if AIG would have gone down, many other national and international companies that depended on AIG to do well would have failed as well. Until today, Greenberg who was CEO of the company the longest, maintains his innocence and states that he always acted in the best interest of the company and no unethical behavior was going on. The big question, however, is if the bailout was necessary or justified. Should a company that has gambled away individuals’ and businesses’ money be rewarded for failing or should they have taken the fall and endured the consequences? How to cite American International Group, or AIG, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Huckleberry Finn Symbolism free essay sample

Laws and Freedom In the Adventure of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain, Huckleberry Finn is a free spirit who longs for adventure and nothing more than to escape from societys rules. Having grown up with no motherly fgure by his side and a drunkard father, Huckleberry Finn separates himself from society at an early age and learns to rely solely on himself. As a result from his alienation from society, hes a free spirit with an uncivilized behavior that society constantly tries to reform to standards. The only place where Huck finds tranquility is on the peaceful Mississippi River with the unaway slave, Jim. Together, they build their own sanctuary on the raft away from the shore as they form a friendship that society would never accept between a slave owner and a slave. The shore is where Huck believes societys rules await him and the river is where all opportunities are possible. We will write a custom essay sample on Huckleberry Finn Symbolism or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The conflict that exists between Huckleberry Finn and society stems from the way civilization sets standards in which a person must adhere to in order to fit in. However Huck has no interest in conforming to these traditionalistic views; he does not wish to be proper. Huck proceeds to act in an uncivilized fashion in which Miss Watson believes she must tame and reform. He shows much disinterest in Miss Watsons passion to civilize him as he says, The Widow Douglas she took me for her son, and allowed she would sivilize me I got into my old rags and my sugar hogshead again. He then makes up his own rules as his adventure continues to deal with the prejudices and racism of the society on shore. Rules that he believes are what defines him as a person and as a result changes his perspective on the way he perceives moral values. For example, he ponders over a hurt Jim when he had teased about the fog and says, It was fifteen minutes before I gone humble myself to a nigger, but I done it, and I wasnt sorry for it afterwards. (115). Despite Jim being a slave, Huck Finn starts to appreciate him as a person and an equal. This feeling of appreciation is one he would have never felt on shore because of societys restrictions. As opposed to the restriction that Huck feels on shore, he feels the exact opposite as he sails down the tranquil Mississippi River. He sails the river with Jim, a runaway lave escaping from the harsh society where his only place is to serve his white superiors. However for both Huck and Jim, despite their social hierarchy difference on shore, enjoys the same freedom rafting along the Mississippi River. He feels its lovely to live on a raft (1 15). A feeling of peace settles throughout their whole voyage, but as they anchor on shore, we are at once reminded of the deceit, cruelty, and greed that plagues society. As Huck and Jim travels on shore with the Dauphin and the Duke, Huck immediately recognizes the two as conmen that have invaded their peace. When Huck and Jim were able to abandon the Duke and Dauphin and resume their adventure downstream, he expressed how it felt so good to be free again (197). However to Hucks dismay, the Duke and Dauphin returned on a different raft to which Huck replies by wilt[ing] right down onto the planks (198). The Duke and Dauphin represent the aspects of society in its entirety and despite the tact that Huck and Jim were tar away trom the snore and its contormities, socie standards were always following close behind. Society is constantly trying to reform Huck and Jim even when they are out of reach.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

A Farewell To Arms Critique Essays - A Farewell To Arms, Free Essays

A Farewell To Arms Critique Essays - A Farewell To Arms, Free Essays A Farewell to Arms Critique The overall tone of the book is much different than that of The Sun Also Rises. The characters in the book are propelled by outside forces, in this case WWI, where the characters in SAR seemed to have no direction. Frederick's actions are determined by his position until he deserts the army. Floating down the river with barely a hold on a piece of wood his life, he abandons everything except Catherine and lets the river take him to a new life that becomes increasing difficult to underezd. The escape to Switzerland seemed too perfect for a book that set a tone of ugliness in the world that was only dotted with pure love like Henry's and Cat's and I knew the story couldn't end with bliss in the slopes of Montreux. In a world where the abstracts of glory, honor, and sacrifice meant little to Frederick, his physical association with Catherine was the only thing he had and it was taken away from him long before she died. The love that Frederick and Catherine had for each other was more than could be explained in words and Frederick makes it known that words are not really effective at describing the flesh and blood details. Their love during an ugly war was not to be recreated or modeled even as much as through a baby conceived by their love. The baby could not be born alive because their love was beautiful yet doomed so that nothing could come out of it. Hemingway's language is effective in leaving much to the readers interpretation and allowing a different image to form in each readers mind. The simple sentences and incomplete descriptions frees your imagination and inspires each person to develop their own bitter love story.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Concentrate On Integrated Resorts Tourism Essays

Concentrate On Integrated Resorts Tourism Essays Concentrate On Integrated Resorts Tourism Essay Concentrate On Integrated Resorts Tourism Essay to halt job gamblers and the local people because of fiscal troubles to come in the Singapore casino. Several groups, its including the Muslim and Christian communities and societal militants, all of them expressed they are non back up to setup it. Because some of them worries it will convey the negative societal impact of casino gaming every bit good as gap of doors to unwanted activities.Its including money laundering, pilferingg and so on. So when the authorities decided to construct two Integrated Resort.Singapore make some regulations to command that and repair in topographic point to minimise the possible societal reverberations ( survey theoretical account 2011 ) In order to cover with the drawback of the casino, there are some methods has been done. First, $ 100 entry levy is imposed on Singaporeans and Permanent Residents to discourage insouciant gamblers. since 2009 exclusion orders have besides been introduced, to halt potency job of gambler making societal ailments. NCPG has been setup by the Ministry of Community Development, The authorities to cover with the predicted inflow of job gamblers, Though the community service to cut down the gaming job.Such as persons, households and society ( NCPG, 2009 ) . By June 2011, NCPG has banned 47,178 people come ining the casino, including aliens and locals people. This shows that a important a batch of people are cognizant of the badness of chancing dependence, so they want to subscribe up for self-exclusion or except their household people. Particularly, there has been risen, a great trade of aliens using for self-exclusion. By June 2011, more than 12,600 aliens applied to except themselves come ining the casino. In November 2010. Many are male foreign workers, whose employers have helped them use for self-exclusion. This could be in visible radiation of an increasing figure of foreign workers sing the casinos, and employers want to forestall them from acquiring addicted to chancing ( Singapore walk 2011 ) Additionally, the figure of gamblers seeking aid at reding Centres has risen. Harmonizing to reding Centres gambler halt their bad behaviour this reduced the stigma for job gamblers seeking guidance. In the long tally, this could be good for those were antecedently ashamed to seek guidance. Singapore s offense rate has remained reasonably changeless ; Compared to other states with casinos, the casino-related offense rate Singapore rate is considered low, merely 0.3 % of all offenses instances. In Macau last twelvemonth, offenses linked to its 33 casinos made up 15 % of all offense instances reported, a significantly higher figure. Singapore constabularies nabbed 112 people for casino-related offenses within the first twelvemonth of the Iintegrated Resort operation, most being junior-grade offenses. Yet, some critics caution that as the Iintegrated Resort have merely been in operation for a short period of clip, it is excessively early to seting it whether the Iintegrated Resort consequence offense rate addition in Singapore. ( academia 2011 ) In wholly incorporate resort is safe for Singapore it have non evidently increase in chancing dependence within Singapore. Although there have been increased of job gaming, there are adequate steps in topographic point to control them. Exclusion orders ban chancing nuts come ining the casinos or a $ 100 fee to halt the locals people come ining the casinos, and societal safety cyberspaces like reding will supply service for those who want to seek aid for chancing jobs. ( academia 2011 ) Integrated resort non merely about the society and legal it more comparative about environment. Quality of the environment, both natural and man-made is indispensable to touristry. However, the relationship is complex between touristry s and environment. It involves many activities that can take to environmental effects. Many of these impacts are connexion the building of general substructure such as roads and airdromes and touristry installations including resorts, hotels, eating houses, stores, and marinas. The negative impacts of the development of the two IR can bit by bit destruct the environmental resources. These impacts include traffic jam and impacting the life wonts of the local people. For illustration in the MRT station, the local people used to waiting the riders left the train before they enter, but now the visitants has broken their regulations. Singaporean is kicking that the aliens ever hotfooting in the train before they leave. so authorities do a batch of things to equilibrate them. For illustration during twelvemonth 2011 to 2012 so many tourers come to Singapore, the authorities knows how to scatter the crowd and traffic jam. At the same clip the authorities besides makes Torahs to keep the behaviour of people, particularly for tourers the authorities posted marks warn in the tourer country. Luxor Hotel, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, it is a metropolis, is a complete capable design of big resort hotels. Luxor Hotel s name comes from a celebrated antediluvian Egyptian metropolis of Luxor, the hotel began in 1991, opening in October 15, and 1993.The merely alone hotel in the universe is the universe s largest atrium, which is a existent hoarded wealth of Egypt. All the great ancient Egypt is an astonishing show of Posada De Las Vegas Hotel and Casino in Luxor: its immense LANDMARK TOWER in the universe s most powerful visible radiation is seen from infinite, and high velocity lift running diagonally inclined cone, the Luxor Hotel Pyramid and the form of edifices with a sum of 4407 suites, it is located in the tower wall and widen East and the West tower. The Luxor Hotel is located at the southern terminal of the Las Vegas Strip, on the opposite side of the Matalan international airdrome. Leave the Hotel At Mandalay Bay Hotel, following to Excalibur Hotel Casino, all of them ain free TRAM interoperability. Three hotel built by the Mandalay industrial group, the group in June 2004 by MGM group acquired. Posada De Las Vegas Hotel Luxor is most likely to be cognizant of the hotel, because the top of Pyramids Hotel laser straight to the sky at dark when the aircraft is in flight procedure even if far off as 440 kilometres pilot still can mistily see the most deserving mentioning is the United States of America on chancing support policy, make hotel gaming prosperity for illustration, Nevada s casino and bet oning countries are out-of-bounds to people younger than 21. When Bella opened 1998 October in Las Vegas, forbiding clients who are under the age of 18, unless they are invitees in the hotel enrollment topographic point ; this policy is the first, although it is non purely enforced today. Race and athleticss wagering $ 2000000000 per twelvemonth. Some gamblers plush treating a Las Vegas Casino, drink and nutrient free composite. ( Oyster 2010 ) Pyramid Hotel was built in the 1990s ; the Sphinx stands in forepart of the hotel, 36-storey hotel with fiberglass building. Egyptian Pharaoh grave pyramid casino copied, practical roller coaster in the universe s largest terrace in the hall, 120 gambling tabular arraies radiating, 1000s of slot machines lined up in this casino has more than 5,000 suites, and there is celebrated casino cabaret, every twenty-four hours, many invitees from around the universe semen here to dance. Pyramid Hotel is a quadrilateral pyramid edifice visual aspect, like the pyramids of Egypt. But the pyramid hotel, see the internal building is really different to most hotels. Four triangular sides are tilted upward, last intersection with vertex. Pyramid Hotel forms such as the pyramids of Egypt, at the underside of each side length of 171 metres, inside a big infinite of 820,000 three-dimensional metres, 4,407 suites are all embedded in the environing wall. The most astonishing thing is that all lift was 39 grades bevel up, I am a long clip watching the lift up and down run. The Glass Menagerie, king of beasts tamer show hall, large-screen 80-screen movie showings throughout the twenty-four hours, leting visitants to experience unusual. Hotel layout is wholly the appeal of the ancient Egyptian manner, and the staff of the ancient Egyptian garb walking. There are so many installation particularly casino it is a chief ground to due the offense so how to command is really of import ( Monarch 2011 ) . For illustration The gambling industry besides talk about moralss and the protection of bush leagues, Luxor adhere to the Code of Conduct of the American Gaming Association ( AGA ) game companies do a responsible Luxor Nevada jurisprudence enforce invitees must be over the age of 21. And committedness: Education in their ain employees to be good versed in the regulations, processs, and policies of the assorted undertakings to assist work out the job, and can be provided to the client, And a strong background in information support and offers elaborate information.It can through a assortment of methods passed on clients, including our website information, the hotel will supply a batch of aid and to allow the clients know our duties on the game and beginnings ; limited assorted alcoholic drinks, at any clip to halt adolescent enter the casino or unattended bush leagues in our casinos to put in monitoring closely monitor, responsible for advertisement, the Foundation is responsible for the research and development of the game, the hotel will be posted Warning marks such as gaming is non the best manner to gain money to work out fiscal troubles or Gambling impact your household and some other helpers like if you need assist, delight name 24-hour confidential helpline or Nevada Parliament chancing job hot line. All of these will be help hotel to maintain safety. To cut down the beginning is the best manner to maintain sustainable.Daylights, air current, fuel cells all of them will salvage energy and cut down unneeded waste. The casino illuming system consumed 30 % of the entire operating costs of the electricity. Bet oning installations, is frequently described as the functional table games or decorated. In recent old ages, brought a important betterment Transformation. Additional illuming transmutation method, consisting the detector and the electronic diping The system, in applicable instances, a important decrease illuming usage. The net Energy Efficiency accrued On the casino floor, the sum of chilling required, as a consequence, cut down the lighting tonss. The illuming retrofits generated cost nest eggs of up to 30 % , due to the decrease of electricity Consumption, labour costs, and replacing bulbs. Lighting on the rate of return on investing ( ROI ) The transmutation is typically short, frequently less than two old ages. In the instance of an old Las Vegas bet oning Facilities, the El Cortez Hotel and Casino, a broad scope of illuming upgrade provides greater And a faster return. In add-on to i lluming to increase visible radiation degrees the upgraded system will cut down energy usage up and costs 40 low efficiency ( Global steward 2011 ) . Wind power is new resource it is most green engineerings emerging today.Wind power are created when air current spins the blades of a air current turbine, which in bend spin a shaft. The shaft connects to a generator that converts this mechanical power into electricity. A clean fuel beginning, the benefits of air current power are many, including its deficiency of pollutants and its trust on a renewal resource-wind. Of class, weave depends on geographics and clime, and is non ever available in certain locations. For air current power to be a feasible option for bet oning installations, steady air currents are required. For illustration, like the casino slot machines, the usage of air current power is a sort of good manner. ( Global steward 2011 ) Fuel cells, an advanced signifier of combined heat and power engineering, convert the chemical energy of a hydrogen-based fuel straight into electricity without burning. Waste heat from the transition procedure can be captured to countervail thermic tonss such as hot H2O and infinite warming. Fuel cell engineering emits fewer C dioxide emanations than that of traditional dodo fuels. For illustration The Engineering section normally use battery like torch. ( Global steward 2011 ) Integrated hotel non merely utilize this green energy they besides need to cut down the invitee usage Disposable tableware such as fictile cutter, cups, spectacless and home bases. It will be a load to the environment. The hotel should be appropriate to increase the usage of some reclaimable goods rate. Like the disposable paper, the IR should replace it with a hankie, so that avoid unneeded waste. This method non merely can salvage the hotel cost, but besides can protect environment. The methods listed above can assist Integrated Resorts to carry through their sustainable development. Therefore, it is indispensable to utilize natural resources to minimise the cost of running the IR and works verdure every bit many as possible to recycle the air. These are the cardinal points to develop a sustainable Integrated Resort.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Managing Finance Resources and Decisions subject Assignment - 1

Managing Finance Resources and Decisions subject - Assignment Example When it comes to the cash flow forecast of North Seaton, the prediction shows that the company is failing to generate adequate income to cover its expenditures. A relatively comparison of the income and expenditure data suggests that the increase in expenditure is not being equally complemented with a similar or greater level of increase in the net income (Schleifer, Sullivan and Murdough, 2014). That is why the monthly surplus figures are far lower than the deficits which in turn results in the company incurring significant proportion of cash flow deficits every month. Moreover, the company is failing to attain economies of scale and scope which is why the purchase expenditures have been increase in the last six months of the year. The cash deficits that has been realized every month is also because of the insurance premium of  £55,000 and  £50,000 paid in the month of January and May respectively. This has largely depleted the profit margin for the company. The quarterly bill p aid for electricity and heat has also reduced the company’s margin of income. Although the expenditure behind buying company vehicles was one off, but it has proven to be big burden for the company given the fact that they have to incur a constant maintenance expense of  £11,000 throughout the year. All the above mentioned facts are largely responsible for the cash deficits incurred by the company every month. b. The major reason behind such problems within the sales budget can be attributed to the failure of the company analysts in forecasting the demand for products. The inaccurate predictions led to a demand supply gap which in turn led the company to incur negative variances between sales budget and the generated sales (Nugus, 2009). Other reasons that can be attributed to this discrepancy are inappropriate marketing strategies adopted by the company,