Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Langston Hughes Essays - African-American Literature, Free Essays

Langston Hughes Essays - African-American Literature, Free Essays Langston Hughes Langston Hughes was conceived on February 1, 1902 in Joplin, Missouri. His dad was James Nathaniel and his mom was Carrie Mercer Langston Hughes. His granddad was Charles Langston, an Ohio abolitionist. As a little fellow he lived in Buffalo, New York, Cleveland, Ohio, Lawrence, Kansas, Mexico City, Topeka, Kansas, Colorado Springs, Colorado, and Kansas City, Kansas. In 1914 his folks separated and he, his mom, and his stepfather moved to Lincoln, Illinois. In secondary school back in Cleveland, he was chosen class artist, and editorial manager of the senior class yearbook. He instructed English to a few families in Mexico in 1921 and furthermore distributed his first composition piece, Mexican Games(Davis). In an portion from an article about Langston Hughes in Encarta 97, it says that he was found in 1925, while he was functioning as a waiting assistant in a café in Washington, D.C., when he inadvertently left three of his sonnets close to the plate of Vachel Lindsay, an American artist. She helped him ge! t exposure for his works and she kicked him genuinely off in writing(Encarta). In an article about Langston Hughes in The Reference Library of Black America it discusses all the spots on the planet that Hughes has voyage. He likely utilized a great part of the data of the way of life of different nations to compose. Hughes voyage everywhere throughout the world as a sailor. He went to the Soviet Union, Haiti, Japan, Spain, Genoa, France, what's more, different pieces of Europe. Hughes was a writer, anthologist, librettist, lyricist, editorialist, interpreter, originator of theaters, and a poetical pioneer in jazz innovation. Hughes got a kick out of the chance to write in numerous classifications, for example, exposition, satire, show, fiction, memoirs, self-portrayals, and TV and radio contents. Langston Hughes was the dad of the Harlem Renaissance and made numerous commitments for the benefit of African-Americans which prompted the finish of segregation and segregation(Davis). Hughes was a significant figure in the Harlem Renaissance since he was one of the most capable and renowned dark authors in his time. The Harlem Renaissance was the dark development during the 1920's. Numerous African-Americans got acclaimed during this time and more individuals in the United States and the world got the chance to see another side of African-Americans which had never been seen. Individuals saw that blacks could show improvement over white individuals and many, yet positively not all, hindrances like isolation were diminished recognizably. He composed various dissent sonnets in which he utilized incongruity to get his focuses across to the peruser. Hughes was impacted by Jean Toomer, another dark author and writer. It appeared like Hughes utilized his verse as an approach to battle against the progressing battle that African- Americans despite everything face today. Many accept that his best sonnets were enlivened by the city of Harlem. He was indeed, even called the Writer Laureate of Harlem in view of his unders! tanding for the city. Hughes best volume of Harlem works is Montage of a Dream Deferred. Hughes was the creator who during the Harlem Renaissance utilized a significant part of the Black culture in his work. He started to utilize the Blues, Ballad structure, move rhythms, society discourse, and Jazz in his verse. Hughes had achievement in a wide range of fields of composing. His best show, Mulatto, a play, was performed on Broadway multiple times in 1935. In his best parody, Little Ham(1935), again he utilizes subjects from Harlem. Hughes' best fiction is in his Straightforward arrangement. In the course of his life, Langston Hughes won a few honors. In 1925 he won his first prize for verse in the Opportunity challenge furthermore, third prize for article in the Crisis challenge. In 1926 he distributed his first volume of sonnets, The Weary Blues. In 1953 he won the Anisfeld-Wolfe Award. Hughes likewise won the Witter Bynner Prize for undergrad verse while going to Lincoln University. Indeed, even West Indian writers, for example, Leopold Senghor, considered Hughes to be the dad of the Negritude Movement(Davis). One of Hughes' works referenced in the book, The Langston Hughes Reader, is entitled, My Most Humiliating Jim Crow Experience. This short story of his is a genuine story of his adolescence. It appears all the subjects he is battling for and the things he is battling against. What happens is that

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Supply Chain Management-A Case of AmerTac Inc Term Paper

Gracefully Chain Management-A Case of AmerTac Inc - Term Paper Example As indicated by Blackwell, organizations support upper hands by means of data stream the board which is huge guideline of gracefully chain as a framework. There are three significant streams inside flexibly chain, data stream, material stream and stream of fund or capital. So also, according to Cooper and Lambert’s evaluation, powerful flexibly chain implies coordinated gracefully chain as incorporation is center component required in flexibly chain the board framework (Baihaqi and Beaumont, 2005, pp. 2). Coordinated effort and relationship are further basics of gracefully chain. In the event that there isn't solid coordinated effort or relationship inside gracefully chain accomplices (providers, makers and merchants), it is difficult to continue the whole arrangement of SCM (Baihaqi and Beaumont, 2005). Basic Evaluation of a Supply Chain CaseCompany Overview AmerTac is one of the eminent organizations in customer hardware, situated in New Jersey since 1937 (Bloomberg, 2013). The organization offers wide scope of items including enriching equipment, lighting installations, late evening lighting apparatuses, in-house lighting and plant embellishments. In addition, it offers earthenware production, mirrors, and complement lighting apparatuses to meet the differentiated need of clients. Being a notable organization AmerTac appropriates its items to practically all well known retailers including Wal-Mart, Lowe’s and The Home Depot (AmerTac, 2013). This gets conceivable by company’s wide going gracefully chain arrange which is channelized to all most all neighborhood pick focuses. (Baihaqi and Beaumont, 2005).

Friday, August 21, 2020

Critical Evaluation of the research methodologies

Basic Evaluation of the examination strategies 1. Presentation: In this report I have fundamentally looked into the strategies which are utilized by Chevrier in her exploration paper. In this paper I have uncovered whether she has utilized the right philosophy for her exploration or not, regardless of whether her proof help her discoveries or not and I have referenced an elective strategies to improve her decision. Chevrier paper focuses on better understanding the elements of global undertaking gatherings and she centers around how venture pioneers deal with the social contrasts to survive and to utilize national societies, ethnic decent variety proficiently and successfully in the worldwide task group. In her exploration she has delineate three sorts of multifaceted practices which were actualized by the undertaking heads. With these discoveries she has proposed a methodology to improve the working of culturally diverse tasks. I think the system which she has utilized in this examination for example Contextual investigation is to a great extent fine however not a successful one rather than this on the off chance that she had utilized Grounded hypothesis philosophy for this examination it would have been significantly more better research. I contend that the three contextual investigations which she has picked is certifiably not an average one of all the global undertaking gatherings. I contend that the Data assortment strategy which she has utilized in this examination for example casual conversation is anything but a decent strategy to gather the information from member. I contend that the system which she has proposed doesnt hold useful for a wide range of diverse undertaking gatherings. 2. Writing audit: Research can be a dubious, entrancing, clumsy, monotonous, irritating, humorous, confounding, upsetting, mechanical, agreeable, disconnecting, amazing, sweat-soaked, untidy, orderly, expensive, depleting, iterative, opposing, open-finished procedure (Anthias, 2002) Philosophy is indistinguishable from an examination model utilized by a scientist in a specific task, including fundamental information identified with the subject and research strategies being referred to and the structure utilized in a specific setting (Sarantakos, 1998 refered to Lather, 1992:87). Sarantakos (1998) relates the idea of Methodology to a hypothetical and increasingly conceptual setting, and sees it in conjuction with unmistakable, unidimensional, and totally unrelated hypothetical standards. Strategies offers the examination standards which are connected near an unmistakable worldview deciphered obviously and precisely, down to rules on adequate research rehearses. Technique is resolved not by the examination model yet rather by standards of research involved in a worldview. Contextual analysis examine includes contemplating singular cases, frequently in their regular habitat, and for a significant stretch of time and utilizes various techniques for information assortment and investigation. (Sarantakos, 1998 refered to Kromrey, 1986:320) 3. Basic Analysis of her Methodology: In this exploration the Methodology which is utilized by Chevrier is Case study. I think to do this exploration review considers or trial procedures will be too mind boggling to even think about implementing, this is the principle explanation behind Sylvie to pick Case concentrate as the Methodology for this examination. For the most part contextual analyses are finished by a scientist when he/she is keen on the structure, procedure and results of a solitary unit. (Sarantakos, 1998) Contextual analyses are finished by an analyst when he/she needs to separate information from a solitary field of study. Here Chevrier has picked Engineering (for example three Project gatherings) as a field of study wherein she has removed the information and handled into data wherein it will fit into the exploration point. Be that as it may, this examination theme requests to do concentrate on every single diverse sort of field; however Sylvie hasnt done it, this is the fundamental disadvantage of this exploration paper. In this examination Chevrier centers around how venture pioneers manage social contrasts to conquer and even advantage from the assortment of national societies in their group. They have considered three diverse practices that the task chiefs unequivocally or certainly use to deal with their global group and furthermore examined the related results from these practices. I think a few strategies and methods which are utilized by Chevrier in her exploration paper doesnt holds great to the examination theme. I think the samples(case considers) which she has decided for this exploration doesnt sounds well since she has picked just three universal task gatherings to contemplate the culturally diverse practices which are actualized in the group and besides all these three undertaking bunches has a similar foundation for example designing. I accept only three task gatherings of a similar foundation won't give a decent weightage to her exploration paper. This is mostly in light of the fact that other than these three undertaking bunches there are various sorts of worldwide task bunches in which they are legitimately identified with the multifaceted administration which I figure she ought to have taken into this exploration paper. This exploration paper is pointing towards Multinational gatherings however the task bunches which she has picked has just individuals who are from European nations and Brasil, it passes up a great opportunity individuals who are from Asia, Africa and Australia. In this field work information is gathered from Formal meetings, participation to their gatherings as a member spectator and casual conversations. I think the Primary information acquired from the proper meetings with venture pioneers and task individuals will be valuable to dissect the information in this examination and this information is significant in light of the fact that the individuals from the undertaking bunches are the person who will be following culturally diverse practices and they will be knowing whether these practices are helpful or not . In her examination she has utilized member onlooker as an information assortment procedure. I think it is a decent strategy for gathering the information in this examination. Since her group will be a piece of the diverse gathering so they can watch effectively how the colleagues/supervisors will act and whether they are following the multifaceted practices or not. They have gone to even gatherings to gather the information I think this is where they may have a decent information since this is where they can see whether the directors and pioneers are following diverse practices or are they giving any significance to it or not. Chevrier and her group was likewise present day by day among the venture bunches especially for venture 1(for 2 undertaking weeks) and task 2(for 2 Â ½ months), I think day by day nearness in an undertaking bunch is significant in light of the fact that for the most part individuals wont carry on same route in inevitably/day and furthermore we cannot pass judg ment on their conduct on multifaceted practices in a solitary day. So day by day nearness in an undertaking gathering will give a decent information for the scientist however fascinating point with regards to her information assortment is she or her group was absent day by day for venture group 3 yet they were available just in venture group 1 2 and that to in venture group 1 they were available every day with group for only 2 ‘project weeks, so I dont think inside these fourteen days they have gathered a solid information in light of the fact that in only fourteen days it is less handy to sum up their conduct. I think the essential information which they have gathered in venture group 2 will be helpful in light of the fact that for 2 Â ½ months they were day by day present with the group so with this time they will be in a superior situation to pass judgment on their conduct concerning culturally diverse. I likewise believe that the Informal conversation which she has utilized in this examination isn't a viable procedure. I concur this method in part and I additionally differ incompletely. I figure this strategy ought to be utilized relying upon the circumstance in the workplace; on the off chance that the work space isn't all that great, at that point there is no utilization of having conversation with them in light of the fact that the interviewee may offer responses basically just to take a break. I figure they should utilize just when the colleagues are feeling acceptable and also this conversations will occur basically during noon of the representatives, this is where the greater part of the worker will unwind, invest energy with their associates and talk with them, on the off chance that Chevrier and her gathering begins to examine with these representatives, at that point the vast majority of them wont be intrigued and they will simply say something or they will offer less resp onses so the conversation will be over quick. She has investigated the gathered information by Cutting of Tran scripted meetings and meeting notes by topic. She has arranged a monograph for every single subject which I figure its a smart thought and it will be helpful for looking at all the topics. This kind of correlation will assist with discovering the normal and unprecedented highlights of the considerable number of cases 4. Will her proof help her discoveries? I think the proof which she has utilized in Case 1 will bolster her discoveries. This is a task gathering of European consortium set up to make RD in the media transmission industry. The agreement which is marked by these organizations assigns one organization as an essential contractual worker which will select a task head among its specialists. We realize that the recently selected venture pioneer has no progressive authority over different accomplices because of this he/she can't request anything from different accomplices, infact he/she cannot expect that different accomplices will include absolutely (100% responsibility) in this task and there is additionally a likelihood this may likewise prompt absence of institutional administration with different accomplices. In this undertaking the pioneer needs to take some specialized choices in which now and again it may not be acknowledged by different accomplices as she discovered this from Northern Europe and particularly from Scandinavia that they possibly make some noise when they can't help contradicting what is being said. These venture bunches were not completely engaged with the undertaking. For this situation the undertaking chief must choose between limited options he needs to endure with these sorts of accomplices. This is the thing that Chevrier has discovered that t he pioneer unequivocally or verifiably depends on resilience of colleagues to conquer challenges. The venture gathering (RD consortium) has individuals from various cou

Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Why Christians Ought To Strive For Excellence In Daily Life - 275 Words

Christian’s Strive for Excellence: Reasons Why Christians Ought To Strive For Excellence In Their Daily Life (Essay Sample) Content: Christians Strive for ExcellenceStudent name UniversityName of professor Submission date IntroductionChristians ought to strive for excellence in all they do. This applies majorly to students, authors and anyone in the writing career. Quality writing entails producing authentic and unique work, citing and acknowledging all sources. Students and writers also ought to respect other peoples work hence they should not plagiarize their writing. All Christians are bound by the bible to abide by these general academic rules. These core values are anchored on the bible. For instance Mathew 15:3 states that we are the salt of the earth and when salt loses its taste, it cannot be made salty again hence it is thrown away and trampled underfoot by people. This verse compels Christians to live a life worthy of a good testimony. Mathew 5:14- 16 further acknowledges that believers are the light of the world hence we should lead by example; by doing the right thing. Jamessilasixzer We should also not fear the public nor hide our good deeds for a lamp is not placed under the bed but on the table so that it illuminates the entire house by replacing darkness. We as Christians are therefore obliged to shun away from evil and fight away evil in our societies and surroundings such as places of work. Moreover Galatians 6:9 urges us not to become weary nor cease from doing good because the day of judgment is drawing near, and during this day we shall reap our harvest if we do not give up. Those who sow evil will receive evil in return and vice-versa. The same also applies to the payday; a day when all loyal (to the word of God) faithfulls will be crowned. Sin...

Saturday, May 16, 2020

The American Dream Essay - 1969 Words

The capability of all Americans to achieve the American dream is what many believe to have made this country great. Perhaps this is why more immigrants flock to the United States than any other nation, because they view America as â€Å"the land of opportunity†, because here anyone can achieve the American dream. Generally, the American dream is the belief that anyone, even one at a low income level, can achieve success and make themselves content if they work hard enough and are determined. Unfortunately, when looking at certain aspects of society, it’s apparent that nothing can be further from the truth. For example, a person can pursue and live the American dream and still be unhappy. Also, the lifestyle that one may live to pursue the American dream can be dehumanizing. Both of these examples are flaws in the American dream that can be seen in the film Fight Club. Furthermore, rising levels of income inequality and the crushing debt people face also shows flaws in t he idea of the American dream. When analyzing the evidence, it’s clear that in the modern United States, the American dream is non-existent. An example of how the American dream is extinct is how one can live in the state of the typical American Dream and still live an unhappy life. An example of this would be in the movie Fight Club. In this movie the narrator is unhappy despite living the American Dream. He has a successful corporate job as an automobile recall specialist and owns a home. Despite his success theShow MoreRelatedImmigrants And The American Dream1362 Words   |  6 PagesImmigrants and the American Dream In the article â€Å"The American Dream†, by James Truslow Adams in The Sundance Reader book, he stated that the American dream is that dream of a land in which life should be better and richer and fuller for everyone, with opportunity for each according to ability or achievement. It is a difficult dream for the European upper classes to interpret adequately, and too many of us ourselves have grown weary and mistrustful of it. It is not a dream of motor cars and highRead MoreThe American Dream By Kimberly Amadeo1637 Words   |  7 PagesNowadays, a large number of people migrate to the United States to work and achieve the American Dream. According to the Article â€Å"What is the American Dream?† by Kimberly Amadeo, â€Å"The American Dream was first publicly defined in 1931 by James Truslow Adams in Epic of America. 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Cullen does acknowledge that people are born with different opportunities, so he talks about the good life. The good life describes different factors that determine your opportunities. Throughout the otherRead MoreFactors Influencing The American Dream1834 Words   |  8 Pagesindividual to succumb or to not succumb to the seductions of crime. These three factors are brilliantly portrayed in the television show, Breaking Bad and the novel, The Stick Up Kids. The American Dream is what many American citizens strive for. However, not all of those citizens are able to achieve the American Dream through a legal pathway. The reason an indivudal may not being able to do so is because of his or her background factors. It is important to note that background factors are a fractionRead MoreShark Tank And The American Dream1755 Words   |  8 PagesShark Tank and The American Dream The TV show Shark tank embodies everything the American dream represents. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Chinese and American Foreign Policy Essay - 2242 Words

Chinese and American Foreign Policy Since the fall of the Soviet Union, the Cold War was over, making the U.S. the only superpower left in the world. This has made the international system much more tranquil, and relaxed. The only country potentially powerful besides the U.S., is China. Many Americans fear China, not only because they are communist, but also because of their huge population. Their population is 1.3 billion people, which accounts 1/5th of the world’s population. As one of the only potential superpowers in the world, it would be in the best interest of all Americans if the U.S. and China became allies, instead of enemies. Peace and development, economic prosperity and social progress, are goals that both of†¦show more content†¦China has been a communist country since the communist revolution took place in 1949, since then China has been ruled by the dictator Mao Tse-Tung. However the Chinese dictator died in September 1976, he was hailed abroad as one of the worlds’ great l eaders. Certainly one of the more impressive aspects of the Chinese communist government, has been the willingness of the people to protest against it (3, pg. 4). China has been in a state of revolution and reform since the Sino-Japanese war of 1895. As a result of Japan’s victory over Russia in 1905, China’s constitutional reform movement gathered momentum. This forced the Manchu government by public opinion to make gestures of preparation for a constitutional government, an act to which reformers in exile responded enthusiastically by establishing a Political Participation Society (Cheng-wen-she) (1, pg.84). The apparent willingness of the Manchu government to consider constitutional reform naturally removed some of the assumptions for revolution and impeded its progress. This helped to sharpen the already intense conflicts that occurred between the reformists and the revolutionaries. In efforts to check this unfavorable tide, the Chinese student revolutionaries in Tokyo extended their war of words to physical combat. Unfortunately the revolutionaries victory over the reformists in Tokyo was not equal to (5=Zhaoxing, Li, â€Å"Seeking Common Ground,†Show MoreRelatedRelations Between The United States And China1620 Words   |  7 PagesSince 1899, America has maintained an open door policy with China. Throughout the years, relations between the United States and China have changed with several effects on both countries caused by the open door policy. Following the Sino-Japanese war from 1894 through 1895, the Chinese government was severely weakened. 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In addition to Jared Bernstein, â€Å"Dethrone ‘King Dollar,’† The New York Times, August 27, 2014. Neil Irwin, â€Å"The Trade Deficit Isn’t a Scorecard, and Cutting It Won’t Make America Great Again,† The New York Times, 3/27/2016 and Kenneth Rogoff, â€Å"Anti-Trade Rhetoric is a Recipe for Disaster,† The Boston Globe, 4/11/2016. Mr. NavarroRead MoreThe Conflict Between China And The United States1386 Words   |  6 PagesThis foreign policy study will argue in favor of Samuel Huntington’s theory of the â€Å"clash of civilizations† through cultural divisions in the context of the increasing global conflict between China and The United States. In essence, the â€Å"clash of civilizations† between China and the United States will be primarily based on the problem of cultural hegemony in the 21st century struggle for global dominance between these two modern nation states. Huntington’s theory provides ample evidence of the growingRead MoreThe Cyber Defenses Of The United States887 Words   |  4 Pagesthe United States. There are those who ve been hacked by the Chinese and those who don t know they ve been hacked by the Chinese† (Comey). Comey can also be quoted as having said that, â€Å"China was seeking to obtain information that s useful to them so they don t have to invent (Comey). This stolen information can be used against these companies when brokering a trade deal or even Chinese companies could begin manufacturing American goods illegally with stolen blueprints. Operation Aurora is aRead MoreKorean War : The Cold War1598 Words   |  7 Pagesturning point in the context of international order and relations, and the American foreign policies. During the 1950s, the Korean War was tremendously significant as it marked the first concrete war against communism as well as revealing inconsistencies in American foreign policy. 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Atrocities such as purging tens of millions of people during the Cultural Revolution, its infamous one-child-per-couple Population Policy, persistent oppression of Tibet and the bloody June 4 massacre at Tienanmen Square in 1989 have given the Chinese government a reputation of having little respect for human life. And yet, despite its tarnished record, China maintains its Most Favoured Nation trade status with the US and is one of CanadasRead MoreU.S. Foreign Policy Toward Taiwan Essay1232 Words   |  5 PagesIntroduction The American foreign policy affects everyone in some type of way, shape or form. After all, all actions and decisions made by our nation have both positive and negative consequences on its citizens. A controversial issue or nation so to speak that the United States has been dealing with and is currently dealing with today is Taiwan. Taiwan, also known as the Republic of China, faces several elements implicated by the U.S. foreign policy. The first element of American foreign policy is that the

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Gaining and Sustaining Competitive Advantage Strategy †Free Samples

Question: Discuss about the Gaining and Sustaining Competitive Advantage Strategy. Answer: Introduction: USA based CVS Health Corporation has made an official bid to acquire the No. 3 U.S health insurer Aetna Inc for a reported deal of $66 billion which will make the price each amount of share of the latter company close to $200. The deal if effectively falls in place will surely be a game changer in the health industry of the mentioned country. Healthcare tie ups will be a popular route for both the insurers as well as the pharmacies to make sure that the costs related to the purpose of health are reduced somehow to make sure that they are affordable. A strategic tie up with the insurance company will be providing the much needed edge to CVS Health Corporation (Peppard and Ward 2016). The deal between the two companies will also help millions of people who are the members of Aetna towards the retail pharmacies of CVS, walk in minute clinics and the specialized home services that will be easier for the company to have a clear focus on providing the best quality Health Service to the use rs of the service. The business analysts who are analyzing the following deal minutely as they have earlier predicted such a sudden deal as because CVS had been running on a loss given its retail business. Thus the management of the company was in a pressure to adapt new strategies that would help them to turn over the current crisis ( The following deal adds a lot of strategic value to the health care industry of USA. The modern days has changed the way the companies as well as the clients or the customers perceive about the health industry. Often the companies have to go the extra distance to get close to the patients and assure them about their presence all the times when needed. The insurers have been wanting for closer relations that would be beneficial for them to manage the health care costs, negotiating drug prices with the suppliers of the country and many more as such. The financial aspect of the deal cannot be avoided at any cost as CVS Health Corporation has offered a whooping sum of amount to the latter company. The price tag of $66 Million is hard to reject and a lot of different meetings with top officials of the company have revealed the price tag of the company is the most suitable in economic terms as the price implies the economic importance of the mentioned deal in USA. The structural efficiency of the following deal would be beneficial for a huge reform in the health sector of the country. The people suffering from health ailments can now easily avail a number of different health loans that are easily supplied by the insurance companies to their respective clients. The decision of the management of CVS Corporation is surely a commendable step that is to be undertaken by the organization in the form of making a staggering bid of $ 66 billion which is one of the most fascinating events to be happened in recent times given the deal falls in place (Peppard and Ward 2016). The current trend of the market shows that CVS health corporation has been facing difficulties in managing its own set of operations. It will be tough for the management to effectively make the following deal a success as because concerns are there on the effective strategic management of the organization. The management of CVS will also feel the heat as because they have to fix, formulate, integrate and implement all the different types of strategies and also manage both the business effectively. However the company must carry forward with such a huge deal to make sure that the company must take aggressive measures in marketing and their brand promotion. The most admired companies of 2010 in the Fortune list The most admired companies of 2017 in the Fortune list 1. Apple 2. Google 3. Berkshire Hathaway 4. Johnson and Johnson 5. 6. Procter and Gamble 7. Toyota Motor 8. Goldman Sachs 9. Wal-Mart 10. Coca-Cola 1. Apple 2. 3. Starbucks 4. Berkshire Hathaway 5. Disney 6. Alphabet 7. General Electric 8. Southwest Airlines 9. Face book 10. Microsoft The fortune list of companies between these 7 years ranging from 2010 to 2017 has seen a number of changes ( Apple, Berkshire Hathaway and have been able to stay in the list. Whereas the other companies like Coca- Cola, Toyota Motor have failed to retain the top 10 rankings. The growth of Apple over the years has been remarkable and the launching of a number of different high quality product has helped the organization to retain the topmost spot for a record 7th time, which is no doubt one of the most admirable and professional performances by such a company (Hill Jones and Schilling 2014). It is strange to find Coca-Cola falling apart from the top 10 list of Fortune ( The mentioned company has one of the best organizational structures and thus not staying in the top 10 is strange. However there are some serious issues that Coca Cola currently faces. These issues have been the main reason behind the downfall of the company in the last few years. The biggest challenge in front of the management of the company is to battle the sugar demons. The sugarised drinks constitutes almost 100% of the company products, the company has recently adapted some strategies to manufacture non sugar drinks that is healthy for the health. Products like Diet Coke, Coca-Cola Life and also the Coke Zero Sugar. Reports of the company suggest that the sales of the original brand of the aerated drink are on a slide. Absence of proper strategies has resulted in such a downward slide of sales figures. The management of the company has failed to understand the choices of the custome rs and has stuck on to traditional drinks. However the paradigm shift of the consumers towards new tastes has hurt the cause of the company (Hill Jones and Schilling 2014). It must be noted that the policies of the company clearly states that it is strictly committed to lower the sugar levels and the calories of the company (Hill and Jones 2013). However the company fails to convince the market analysts and the consumers about its intentions of shaking of the junk food tag. The company has also faced some recent problems when a dead lizard was discovered in a bottle. This led to widespread protests and strict manufacturing checking that made the management too weak to get over the crisis. On the other hand Advertisement of the brand has been another main concern. Television is by far the primary advertisement channel for them. But the rapid increase in the consumption of mobiles and the huge rise in the use of smart phones have had a negative impact on the advertisement of the company. The company has to turn itself into a digital brand and enhance ways to increase digital marketing to promote their brand and gain the attention of the customers. The com pany has taken some drastic measures to improve its global rankings by means of One Brand Strategy all around the globe where it carries out business. General Electric has been one of the companies that have reached the top 10 list in 2017. It was not on the scene in 2010 but banged back in the year 2017 in the top 10 of the Fortune top 10 list of companies (Hill and Jones 2013). The amazing turnaround has been the result of some simple strategies like; Massive portfolio transformation that includes television broadcast, appliances and other such promotional campaigns Leadership qualities of the officials engaged in the top level management duties Building up of strong relationships both with the customers as well as the employees of the company has been key to the overall growth strategies of the company Treating the customers in a fair and efficient manner. Addressing all their issues and concerns SWOT of General Electric Strengths Opportunities A large number of portfolios. Aviation, motors, finance, energy, gas Strong workforce and a good level of RD capabilities Balanced Business model as 50% business outside the United States Acquisitions and takeovers Infrastructural Growth Growing demand for commercial airplanes Weakness Threats Company is dependent on third parties for raw materials The company is a strong brand and thus it is easily targeted for minor issues Large number of portfolios have made the management cripple under high pressure Environmental policies and regulatory norms Powerful global brand, economic and political risks Security threats is one of the biggest issues The large number of business portfolios of the company helps it to be one of the largest in the global sector and earn huge amount of revenue. Large number of workers and thus the strong level of RD capabilities. Proper and efficient management can help the company to attain a strategic competitive advantage in the market which will ensure its sustainability. General Electric already has a great competitive advantage in the market because of its advanced and innovative products. The organization follows a culture based business model where focus is provided on individual assessment and leaders perform as a team and not as an individual. Implements the best strategies that are relevant to the future The management of the company adapts to the practices and implements them in a much better way. The company continues to evolve and change the management practices The management of the company JNU Limited is run on the basis of a limited partnership and is managed by a group of shareholders who have a common interest in collaboration, innovation, human development and learning models. The mentioned company brings with it the management of a varied range of skills and competencies. The management of the company has introduced new training and development programs for the people who belong to the lower level of the society. This training program helps the organization to fulfill its corporate social measures and make sure that the people receiving such trainings are able to learn the community knowledge effectively. The company also gives the society an outlook on how the communities that are small in nature can relate themselves with the large cosmopolitan or urban learning centers and how the traditional systems meets the current cosmopolitan systems in a proper and meaningful way (Eden and Ackerman 2013). Strengths- The mentioned company consists of the main power of being visionary, innovative, and technologically well equipped and has an aim towards the different types of solutions for the knowledge and needs of the people. The following power of the organization is described by the trans cultural items and the development of software (Freeman and McVea 2015). The company mentioned here has experienced executives in its ranks who are involved in innovating new ideas and thinking of new solutions that can effectively tackle the upcoming approaching problems that are related to knowledge development. The staffs of the mentioned company have different cross cultural communication skills, clear clarity of vision and competency in the development of human resource issues that helps to understand the needs and redesign them into proper solutions Weaknesses- Although JNU is altruistic in nature, the management of the company must transform some of their knowledge into competence of business or face the possibility of reducing the vision to manage their business in the competitive market (Eden and Ackerman 2013). The following is just an assumption of the that the visionaries in the company have the business capability to develop and grow the business according to the business theories and concepts. Goals- The main goals of JNU are to create a large number of institutions and companies at different levels of the organizational structure local, regional and international levels. It is intended that there will be the establishment of trans-cultural focus points for regional networks for the purpose of the creation of the interactive relationships between national and international regions (Freeman and McVea 2015). The following networks and different relationship are formulated to define the common needs and the solutions to these needs. These goals are expected to make a value for the different meanings that address solutions related to the development of the factor in the table which could range from: Development of barefoot distance education programs for the different communities in the regions of the South of Asia. Sustainable farming practices; Development of the skills of the women Women skills development Advanced large husbandry Building ponds Technology Training Development plans for different small business To link the regional universities with the different rural communities through the development of the communication tools: o establishes decided upon learning and communication symbols, agreed on a central resource center, entrepreneurial; o train barefoot educators; o involve governmentlocal and nationalin development commitments; o select representatives to develop regional agendas. The collaboration of the international universities can help to build a bond of culture that would be used to examine Trans-cultural learning and instructions (Barney 2014). Some of the main examples of the primary tasks include; Development of a joint research agendas Searching for relevant collaborative institutions The search for relevant grants Linking the education department across all the regions Defining the resources and strengths The regional technical and agricultural institutions like the Asian Institute of Technology in Thailand faces different issues regarding rural development. However the institution has failed to break out of the academic approach to be innovative. UNESCO has proposed Community Learning Centers but these policies and frameworks need widespread implementation. The agricultural and food organization has adopted the policies that will help to promote lifelong education skills that are applicable in the development of the rural livelihood by adopting a approach that addresses all the levels of modern education (Barney 2014). Though the following are admirable policies, FAO is in search of institutions or organizations to relate its set of guidelines to actions and by doing so many of the organizations are stuck by a range of bureaucracies. The company has the capability to approach the different learning centers for making a deal with them. The organization has aimed tto determine the achi evement of the goals with the development of the different regional groups that helps the organization to determine the different contextual needs of the organization. References "Fortune 500 Companies 2017: Who Made The List."Fortune. N.p., 2017. Web. 28 Oct. 2017. Barney, J.B., 2014.Gaining and sustaining competitive advantage. Pearson Higher Ed. Counsel, First et al. "The Wall Street Journal Breaking News, Business, Financial And Economic News, World News And Video."The Wall Street Journal. N.p., 2017. Web. 28 Oct. 2017. Eden, C. and Ackermann, F., 2013.Making strategy: The journey of strategic management. Sage. Freeman, R.E. and McVea, J.A., 2015. A Stakeholder Approach to Strategic Management (No. 01-02). Hill, C.W. and Jones, G.R., 2013.Strategic management theory. South-Western/Cengage Learning. Hill, C.W., Jones, G.R. and Schilling, M.A., 2014.Strategic management: theory: an integrated approach. Cengage Learning. Peppard, J. and Ward, J., 2016.The strategic management of information systems: Building a digital strategy. John Wiley Sons. Rothaermel, F.T., 2015.Strategic management. McGraw-Hill Education. Slack, N., 2015.Operations strategy. John Wiley Sons, Ltd. Wheelen, T.L. and Hunger, J.D., 2017.Strategic management and business policy. pearson.