Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Why Christians Ought To Strive For Excellence In Daily Life - 275 Words

Christian’s Strive for Excellence: Reasons Why Christians Ought To Strive For Excellence In Their Daily Life (Essay Sample) Content: Christians Strive for ExcellenceStudent name UniversityName of professor Submission date IntroductionChristians ought to strive for excellence in all they do. This applies majorly to students, authors and anyone in the writing career. Quality writing entails producing authentic and unique work, citing and acknowledging all sources. Students and writers also ought to respect other peoples work hence they should not plagiarize their writing. All Christians are bound by the bible to abide by these general academic rules. These core values are anchored on the bible. For instance Mathew 15:3 states that we are the salt of the earth and when salt loses its taste, it cannot be made salty again hence it is thrown away and trampled underfoot by people. This verse compels Christians to live a life worthy of a good testimony. Mathew 5:14- 16 further acknowledges that believers are the light of the world hence we should lead by example; by doing the right thing. Jamessilasixzer osevenatgmail.com. We should also not fear the public nor hide our good deeds for a lamp is not placed under the bed but on the table so that it illuminates the entire house by replacing darkness. We as Christians are therefore obliged to shun away from evil and fight away evil in our societies and surroundings such as places of work. Moreover Galatians 6:9 urges us not to become weary nor cease from doing good because the day of judgment is drawing near, and during this day we shall reap our harvest if we do not give up. Those who sow evil will receive evil in return and vice-versa. The same also applies to the payday; a day when all loyal (to the word of God) faithfulls will be crowned. Sin...

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